Fundraising for Rural Organizations: Special Events

Thursday, August 22, 2024
11:30 am12:45 pm

This training series will cover a range of topics to help participants learn to fundraise in small, rural communities. In this highly interactive series, participants will learn to tell the story of their organization's brand, host a successful special event, engage donors in meaningful ways, and hold an annual campaign. Participants are welcome but not required to join all four session:
- Session 1: Telling Your Story - Thursday, August 15
- Session 2: Special Events - Thursday, August 22
- Session 3: Donor Engagement - Thursday, September 5
- Session 4: Annual Campaigns - Thursday, September 19

This training series is open to staff and board members working with Nebraska's network of sexual assault/domestic violence programs.

Presenter: Amy Sandeen, Roots and Ripples, LLC and Outreach and Special Events Manager, Crane Trust Nature and Visitor Center

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  • Give NE
    Give NE
245 S. 84th Street
Suite 200
Lincoln, NE 68510

© Nebraska Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence 2024

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