Coordinated Entry: Helping Survivors Access Housing Resources in Nebraska
This training will provide an overview of Coordinated Entry (CE) systems in Nebraska, opportunities that CE creates for survivors of domestic and sexual violence, and how victim service providers can maximize those opportunities.
Coordinated entry systems manage access to housing resources that include prevention/diversion, transitional housing, rapid rehousing, permanent supportive housing, and permanent housing resources. By becoming active partners with CE systems, domestic violence/ sexual violence programs can ensure that survivors have access to the community’s full range of housing supports and resources.
Statewide organizations, including a domestic violence shelter program, will share practices related to coordinated entry access for domestic violence/ sexual assault survivors and people experiencing homelessness. Coordinated Entry processes will be described including assessments, vulnerability scoring, confidentiality practices, and screening & selection for housing resources for survivors.
Please join us to learn how you can assist survivors in accessing Coordinated Entry systems and housing resources.
Course Objectives:
- Participants will understand how coordinated entry can be valuable in connecting domestic violence/ sexual assault survivors with housing resources.
- Participants will become acquainted with statewide coordinated entry systems and processes.
- Participants will be able to identify ways to build partnerships across victim services and housing systems to offer effective coordinated entry processes.
Trainers: Denise Packard, University of Nebraska Center on Children, Families, and the Law
Stacey Warner, Metro Area Continuum of Care for the Homeless
Leah Droge, Friendship Home
Trainer Information:
Denise Packard is the Coordinated Entry Manager at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Center on Children Families, and the Law (UNL CCFL). Denise oversees the All Doors Lead Home (ADLH) Coordinated Entry system for Lincoln and the Balance of State counties.
Stacey Warner is the Coordinated Entry System Manager at the Metro Area Continuum of Care for the Homeless (MAACH). Stacey oversees the Coordinated Entry system for the Omaha metro area.
Leah Droge is the Assistant Director of Program Development at Friendship Home, a domestic violence shelter in Lincoln. Leah is the chair of the Lincoln Homeless Coalition and an active partner in the ADLH Coordinated Entry system.
To Register
Register at this link:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Please contact: Lee Heflebower with questions:
(402) 476-6256