Webinar Wednesday: Title IX and Campus Sexual Violence
Title IX has often been seen as a secret, institutional process that advocates cannot and should not be a part of. Advocates do, in fact, need to understand the basics of Title IX and the impact that these processes can have on survivors. Although processes can vary slightly from institution to institution, anyone can understand and navigate through Title IX alongside a survivor.
In this webinar, we will cover the basics of Title IX and campus sexual violence. Descriptions of key players, possible processes, and possible outcomes will be identified. Recent changes to the Department of Education and Title IX will also be covered briefly.
Course Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to:
• Understand origins of Title IX
• Understand basic processes of Title IX
• Identify benefits of the Title IX Process
• Understand recent changes to Title IX
Register at this link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/697692199791708929
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