Teen Dating Violence

Teen dating violence happens everywhere, including in Nebraska where sexual and intimate partner violence peaks between the ages of 15 and 18. Data from the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey in 2019 indicates that among U.S. high school students who reported dating during the 12 months before the survey:

  • About 1-in-12 experienced physical dating violence.
  • About 1-in-12 experience sexual dating violence. 

Teen Dating Violence is Sexual & Domestic Violence

Teen dating violence is a form of intimate partner violence. It can take place in person, online, or through technology. It can include:

  • Physical violence
  • Sexual violence
  • Psychological aggression
  • Stalking 

Understanding Motivations & Vulnerable Populations

According to Youth.gov, both males and females experience and perpetrate teen dating violence. Often teens report that both partners committed aggressive acts during the relationship. However, according to the CDC, young females experience higher rates of physical and sexual dating violence than young males. From our 2020 Intimate Partner & Sexual Violence Survey, we know women in Nebraska encounter intimate partner and sexual violence earlier in life than men. The teenage years are the most dangerous time for women, who are at peak likelihood for first experiencing all forms of violence.  

  • 1-in-3 of women in Nebraska face unwanted sexual contact for the first time between ages 11 and 19 
  • 17 years of age is the most common age for a Nebraska woman’s initial experience of rape through force. 
  • 1-in-5 of women in Nebraska experience physical violence from an intimate partner for the first time between the ages of 11 and 19. 

According to Youth.gov, research suggests that young females and young males have different motivations for aggressive acts against their partners. In reviewing research on teen dating violence, Mulford and Giordano found that 

  • both boys and girls reported anger as the prime cause of their aggressive acts; 
  • girls were more likely to also report self-defense as a motivator for aggression; and 
  • boys were more likely to report the desire for control.  

Teen dating violence doesn’t just occur in heterosexual relationships. According to the CDC, students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer or those who are unsure of their gender identity experience higher rates of physical and sexual dating violence compared to students who identify as heterosexual. 

The Role of Technology in Teen Dating Violence

Technology plays a significant role in teen dating violence. Digital dating abuse is the use of technologies such as texting and social networking to bully, harass, stalk or intimidate a partner. Technology abuse is a common tactic within the context of teen dating violence. According to a survey of U.S. students, 1-in-4 young people ages 12-17 reported being a victim of digital dating abuse in the past year. According to the Safety Net Project, technology abuse can include: 

  • Constantly texting or calling; sending threats or demanding info 
  • Controlling who someone can connect with online 
  • Forcing someone to share passwords or locations 
  • Threatening to share fake or private pictures or content 
  • Forcing someone to participate in humiliating online activities 
  • Pressuring someone to change their online profile information 
  • Making jealous comments about likes, or pictures on social media 

However, technology can also be a powerful tool for positivity in teens’ lives when used in constructive ways. By focusing on building connections and establishing trust, it is possible to empower teens to make informed decisions around tech use. For more information and tips for getting started, visit Safety Net Project’s Teens and Technology: Safety, Privacy, and Empowerment resource.  

Preventing Teen Dating Violence

According to the CDC, research highlights the need for prevention efforts that address the unique needs of teens who are at greater risk of experiencing teen dating violence. 

According to Youth.gov, the likelihood of being subjected to violence in a relationship increases for teens who: 

  • experience stressful life events or show symptoms of trauma (including past history of sexual abuse or prior sexual victimization); 
  • live in poverty, come from disadvantaged homes, or receive child protective services; 
  • are exposed to community or neighborhood violence; 
  • participate in risky behaviors (e.g., substance abuse, alcohol use, violence); 
  • begin dating at an early age; 
  • participate in sexual activity prior to age 16; 
  • have problem behaviors in other areas; 
  • have a friend involved in dating violence; 
  • participate in peer violence or have violent friends; 
  • believe that dating violence is acceptable or are more accepting of rape myths and violence against women; 
  • begin menstruating at an early age (for women); 
  • have been exposed to harsh parenting; inconsistent discipline; or lack supervision, monitoring, and warmth; 
  • have low self-esteem, anger, or depressed mood; 
  • use emotional disengagement and confrontational blaming as coping mechanisms;  
  • exhibit maladaptive or antisocial behaviors; 
  • have aggressive conflict-management styles; and/or 
  • have low help-seeking proclivities. 

There are also risk factors that contribute to the likelihood of a teen becoming a perpetrator of dating violence. Many of these are developmentally normal in youth, such as little to no relationship experience, vulnerability to peer pressure, and unsophisticated communication skills. Some additional factors that have been found to be associated with teen dating violence perpetration include 

  • believing that it is acceptable to use threats or violence to get one’s way or to express frustration or anger; 
  • problems managing  anger or frustration; 
  • association with violent peers; 
  • low self-esteem and depression; 
  • not having parental supervision and support; and/or 
  • witnessing violence at home or in the community. 

Since sexual and intimate partner violence in Nebraska peaks between the ages of 15 and 18, it is important to introduce prevention strategies to Nebraska youth before adolescence. According to the CDC, supporting healthy, nonviolent relationships could reduce teen dating violence. During the pre-teen and teen years, it is critical for youth to begin learning skills to create and maintain healthy relationships, including managing feelings and communicating in a healthy way. For more information about preventing teen dating violence, see the CDC’s Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Resource for Action resource, which describes strategies and approaches based on the best available evidence for preventing intimate partner violence, including teen dating violence.  

There are many prevention programs and curriculum available, including: 

  • Dating Matters which is a comprehensive prevention model that teaches 11–14-year-olds how to have healthy, safe relationships both now and in the future. 
  • Safe Dates which is an effective prevention program for middle and high school students, which is designed to stop or prevent dating violence perpetration and victimization.  

To find the more and the most up-to-date evidence-based programs related to teen dating violence, go to CrimeSolutions.gov and search “teen dating violence” or related terms. 

Supporting Survivors of Teen Dating Violence

Dating abuse is difficult for everyone involved, including people who attempt to offer support. Those who haven’t dealt with dating violence before sometimes wonder why survivors don’t just leave their partner. There may be any number of reasons why people stay in abusive relationships. Beyond just understanding and recognizing the warning signs of abuse, one of the simplest ways to support survivors is to understand the complexities of why they may not be able to leave, including: 

  • Conflicting emotions, such as fear of what will happen, belief that abuse is normal, fear of being outed, shame, low self-esteem, or love 
  • Pressure, including social or peer pressure, cultural or religious settings, pregnancy or parenting,  
  • Distrust of authority, such as adults not taking young people seriously, fear or distrust of law enforcement, or barriers to institutional support,  
  • Dependency, such as financial dependency, lack of support, or physical dependency 

If you’re ready to help someone affected by dating violence in your life, Love is Respect offers resources based on your relationship to the survivor. 

If you are concerned that you or a loved one may be experiencing teen dating violence, contact your local survivor support organization or call the National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline at 1-866-331-9474 

245 S. 84th Street
Suite 200
Lincoln, NE 68510

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