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Request Printed Materials

The Nebraska Coalition has a variety of brochures and publications available free of charge to organizations and individuals in Nebraska. To obtain printed copies of any of the materials listed below, please email the complete and email the Materials Request Form to


  • Domestic Violence and Abuse in Later Life
  • Domestic Violence Power and Control
  • Helping Children Heal & Thrive: Information for Parents Who Are Survivors
  • Healthcare Guide for (and by) Survivors of Domestic & Sexual Violence
  • Human Trafficking: Look Beneath the Surface (Child Exploitation)
  • Human Trafficking: Look Beneath the Surface (Health Care)
  • Human Trafficking: Look Beneath the Surface (Social Services)
  • Human Trafficking: Information for Faith Based & Community Organizations
  • Immigration Options for Victims of Crime
  • Intimate Partner Sexual Violence
  • Invisible Injuries: When Your Head is Hurt While Experiences Domestic Violence
  • It's Not Always Happy at My House (ages 8-12)
  • LGBTQ+ Intimate Partner Violence
  • Living Healthier, Living Safer: What Every Woman Should Know About Healthy Living
  • Mental Health and Domestic Violence
  • Money and Your Relationship
  • Nebraska's Network of Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Programs
  • Nebraska Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence General Information
  • No One Deserves to be Sexually Assaulted
  • Personal Safety Plan
  • Pocket Safety Plan
  • Stalking Brochure: Intimate Partner Stalking (Nebraska-specific)
  • StrongHearts Native Helpline: Trust, Speak, Heal Together
  • Understanding NE Orders of Protection
  • Understanding Nebraska's Domestic Abuse Protection Order
  • Violence and Substance Abuse
  • Violence in the Home: Information for Teens
  • What are My Rights? Nebraska Crime Victim's Rights
  • What Every Congregation Needs to Know about Domestic Abuse


  • Breaking the Silence: A Handbook for Survivors of Domestic Violence
  • Supporting Survivors of Sexual Assault: Information for Family and Friends
  • You Are Not Alone: Information for Survivors of Sexual Assault


  • Has Your Head Been Hurt?


  • Can You Recognize the Signs of Human Trafficking (for healthcare providers)
  • Human Trafficking: Look Beneath the Surface (Child Exploitation)
  • Human Trafficking: Look Beneath the Surface (Health Care)
  • Human Trafficking: Look Beneath the Surface (Social Services)


Lending Library

The Nebraska Coalition stores a variety of books, DVDs, and curriculum which are available free of charge for our partners to check out. The lists below include the top recommendations from Nebraska Coalition members. To check out any of the items in our lending library, please email

Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence

  • Breaking the Cycle: A collection of stories surrounding domestic abuse & turmoil it causes
  • Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, and Animal Abuse: Linking the circles of compassion for prevention and intervention
  • Healthy Moms, Happy Babies: A train the Trainers Curriculum on Domestic Violence, Reproductive Coercion, and Children Exposed
  • Helping Children Thrive: Supporting Woman Abuse Survivors as Mothers
  • How the Earth Didn't Fly into the Sun: Missouri's Project to Reduce Rules in DV Shelters
  • Invincible: The 10 Lies you Learn growing of with Domestic Violence and The Truths to set you free
  • Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Sexual Violence: Prevention, Recognition, and Intervention
  • Strengthening Mother & Child Bonds: An Advocates Guide
  • The Batterer as Parent: Addressing the impact of domestic violence on family dynamic
  • The Verbally Abusive Relationship: How to Recognize it and How to Respond
  • Through their Eyes: Domestic Violence and Its Impact on Children
  • Verbal Abuse Survivors Speak out: On relationship and recovery
  • When Katie Wakes: A Memoir 14. Why Does He Do That: Encouragement for women Involved with Angry & Controlling Men
  • Why Doesn't She Leave: Real Women Real Stories, A New Perspective on Domestic Violence

Trauma (general)

  • Expecto Patronum: Using Lessons from Harry Potter to Recover from Abuse
  • The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma (ENG &SPAN)
  • Trauma & Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence, from Domestic Abuse to Political Terror
  • Traumatic Stress: The Effects of Overwhelming Experience on Mind, Body, & Society
  • Victim No Longer: The Classic Guide for Men Recovering from Child Sexual Abuse
  • Yes, you can: Healing from Trauma & Addiction with Love, Strength, and Power  

Trauma & Self Esteem (workbooks for survivors)

  • Don’t Let Your Emotions Run Your Life: Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills for Helping Manage Mood Swings, Anger, and Outbursts
  • The PTSD Workbook for Teens: Simple, Effective Skills for Healing from Trauma
  • The Sexual Trauma Workbook for Teen Girls: A Guide to Recovery from Sexual Assault
  • The Self-Esteem Workbook: A Simple Effective Program to Help You (ENG & SPAN)
  • The Self Esteem Workbook for Teens: Activities to help you build confidence  

Trauma (sexual trauma and sexual violence)

  • Allies in Healing: When the person you love was sexually abused as a child
  • Lived Through this: Listening to the Stories of Sexual Violence Survivors
  • Resurrection After Rape: A guide to transforming from victim to survivor
  • The Courage to Heal: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse
  • The Sexual Healing Journey: A Guide for Survivors of Sexual Abuse
  • Writing Ourselves Whole: Using the Power of Creativity to Recover & Heal from Sexual Trauma  

Trauma (compassion fatigue and organizational trauma)

  • Help for the Helper: Self Care Strategies for Managing Burn Out and Stress
  • Organizational Trauma and Healing 
  • Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others  

Sexual Trauma and Sexual Violence (services and organizational capacity)

  • Building Cultures of Care: A Guide for Sexual Assault Service Programs
  • Opening Our Doors: Building Strong Sexual Assault Services in Dual & Multi-Service Advocacy Agencies
  • Strengthening Our Practice: The Ten Essential Strengths of Sexual Violence Victim Advocates in Dual and Multi-Service Advocacy Agencies 

Trauma (mental illness and substance abuse)

  • Beyond Labels: Working with Abuse Survivors with Mental Illness & Substance Abuse Issues
  • Getting Safe and Sober: Working with Women Coping with Substance Abuse, Interpersonal Violence, and Trauma (ENG & SPAN)
  • Seeking Safety: A Treatment Manual for PTSD and Substance Abuse
  • The Violence and Addiction Equation: Theoretical and Clinical Issues in Substance Abuse and Relationship Violence  

Female Empowerment and Resources for Survivors

  • Crucial Accountability: Tools for Resolving Violated Expectations, Broken Commitments, and Bad Behavior
  • Journey to Wholeness: Healing from the Trauma of Rape
  • Making out Like a Virgin: Sex, Desire, and Intimacy After Sexual Trauma
  • Overcoming Trauma Through Yoga: Reclaiming Your Body
  • Stop Signs: Recognizing, Avoiding, and Escaping Abusive Relationships
  • The Self Esteem Workbook: A Simple Effective Program to Help You (ENG & SPAN)
  • Turning Points: A Nonviolence Curriculum for Women (Training Guide and Workbook)
  • Yes, Means Yes: Visions of female sexual power and a world without rape  

Teen Dating Violence and Prevention

  • Beyond Blame: Challenging Violence in the Media Middle School Program
  • Can I Kiss You: A Thought Provoking look at Relationships, Intimacy, and Sexual Assault
  • Coaching Boys into Men Coaching Kit
  • Dragon Slippers: This is what an abusive relationship looks like
  • Expect Respect Teen Dating Violence Prevention Program for Middle Schools
  • Fourth R English Programs Grade 9 through 12 
  • Fourth R Healthy Relationships Plus Program
  • May I Kiss You? A Candid Look at Dating, Communications, Respect, & Sexual Awareness
  • Respect WORKS! Teen Dating Violence Prevention Program for Middle and High Schools
  • Safe Dates: An Adolescent Dating Abuse Prevention Curriculum
  • Second Step Bully Prevention Units Kindergarten through Grade 5
  • Second Step Program Curricula Kindergarten through Grade 8
  • Shifting Boundaries Middle School Program
  • Street Wise to Sex Wise: Sexuality Education for High Risk Youth
  • The Men’s Program: A Peer Education Guide to Rape Prevention Third Edition
  • Toward the Next Generation of Bystander Prevention of Sexual and Relationship Violence

Children's Books and Materials

  • A Safe Place to Live: A story for children who have experienced domestic violence
  • Bunny Book
  • Expressive Arts Therapy for Traumatized Children and Adolescents: A Four Phase Model
  • I want to Tell You Something / Te quiero Contar Algo
  • Making it Better: Activities for Children Living in a Stressful World
  • On a Dark, Dark Night
  • S.K.I.T: Support for Kids in Transition
  • Scenes from a Shelter: Talking with Children about Domestic Violence w/story book & DVD
  • The Safe Touch Coloring Book
  • Understanding Children's Sexual Behavior: What's Natural and Healthy (ENG & SPAN)  

Masculinity and Working with Men/Boys

  • Boys will be Boys: Breaking the Link Between Masculinity and Violence
  • Boys will be Men: Raising our Sons for Courage, Caring, and Community
  • Guy land: The Perilous World where Boys become Men & Understanding the critical years between 16 & 26
  • Men Speak Out - Views on Gender, Sex & Power
  • The Macho Paradox: Why some men hurt women and how all men can help
  • Unexpected Allies - Men Who Stop Rape 

Diverse Communities, Cultures, and Religion

  • The Shame Borne in Silence: Spouse Abuse in Jewish Community
  • Love Shouldn't Hurt: Building Healthy Relationships for Jewish Youth
  • Healing Violent Men: A Model for Christian Communities
  • Violence in Families: What every Christian needs to know
  • When Violence is No Stranger: Pastoral Counseling with Survivors of Acquaintance Rape
  • Ending Violence in Teen Dating Relationships: A Resource Guide for Parents and Pastors
  • Victim to Survivor: Women recovering from clergy sexual abuse
  • What Islam Says about Domestic Violence: A guide for helping Muslim families
  • Garments of One Another: Ending Domestic Violence in Muslim Families w/DVD
  • Walking Together: Working with Women from Diverse Religious and Spiritual Traditions: A Guide for DV Advocates 


  • Domestic Violence in LGBTQ Communities
  • Open Minds Open Doors: Transforming Domestic Violence Programs to Include LGBTQ Survivors
  • Queering Sexual Violence: Radical Voices from within the Anti Violence Movement
  • Transgender Sexual Violence Survivors: A Self Help Guide to Healing and Understating
  • Transitioning Our Shelters: A Guide to Making Shelter’s Safe for Transgender People  


  • A Guide for Immigration Advocates Volume 1 and Volume 2
  • Immigration Options for Abused Immigrants: Information for Advocates working with Immigrant victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking.  

Race & Racial Issues

  • Arrested Justice: Black Women, Violence, and Americas Prison Nation
  • At the Dark End of the Street: Black Women, Rape, and Resistance: A New History of the Civil Rights Movement from Rosa Parks to the Rise of Black Power
  • No Secrets No Lies: How Black Families Can Heal Form Sexual Abuse
  • Intersectionality  

Native American Resources

  • Teen Dating Violence Prevention Curriculum and Workbook for Native American Girls
  • The Beginning and End of Rape: Confronting Sexual Violence in Native America
  • Using Federal Law to Prosecute Domestic Violence Crimes in Indian Country W/ DVD
  • Violence Against Oglala Women is not Lakota Tradition Handbook

Finance and Poverty

  • All Sate Foundation: Financial Empowerment Curriculum
  • Guide to Consumer Rights for Domestic Violence Survivors
  • REAP: Realizing your Economic Action Plan
  • Saving Bernice: Battered Women, Welfare, and Poverty
  • Taking Action: An Advocates Guide to Assisting Victims of Financial Fraud  

Rural Resources

  • Changing Public Perceptions of Sexual Assault in Rural Communities
  • Domestic Violence in Rural America: A Resource Guide for Service Providers
  • Implementing SANE Programs in Rural Communities
  • Unspoken Crimes: Sexual Assault in Rural America 

Elder Abuse

  • In Their Own Words: Domestic Abuse in Later Life w/DVD
  • Mandatory Reporting of Elder Abuse: Implications for Domestic Violence Advocates
  • Transcending Silence: A Series on Speaking out and Taking Action in our Community about Sexual Assault and the Elderly
  • Walk in our Shoes: Working with Older Survivors of Abuse Discussion Guide w/DVD

Child Abuse & Child Sexual Abuse

  • A Child Called It: One child's courage to survive
  • From Hurt to Hope: A child sexual abuse and assault advocacy guide
  • Hiding Behind a Smile: Disguising our deepest feelings
  • Shattered Innocence: A revealing story of Sexual Abuse, its aftermath, and recovery
  • Sibling Abuse: Hidden physical, emotional, and sexual trauma
  • Survivor to Thriver: Manual for Adult Survivors of Child Abuse who want to Move on with Life
  • The Advocates Guide: Working with parents of children who have been sexually assaulted
  • The Roller Coaster of My Life

Legal Resources

  • Battered Women in the Courtroom: The Power of Judicial Response
  • Child Custody and Domestic Violence: A call for safety and accountability
  • Divorce in Nebraska: Understandable Answers to your Legal Questions  
  • Domestic Violence and Child Custody Disputes: A Resource Handbook
  • Expert Witness for Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Cases: Why? Who? When? How?
  • Expert Witness Training, Missouri Coalition
  • Expert Witness Training, Nebraska coalition
  • From Madness to Mutiny: Why Mothers are running from family court and What can be done about it
  • Gaining Insight Taking Action: Basic Skills for Serving Victims 
  • The Little Book of Restorative Justice

Victims with Disabilities, Disorders, and Mental Illness

  • Access to Advocacy: Serving Women with Psychiatric Disabilities in DV Settings
  • Communication: A Book for Individuals who are Victims of Violence and Abuse
  • Coping with Sexual Assault (Book in Prail)
  • Culture, Language, and Access: Key Considerations for Serving Deaf Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence
  • Our Rights Right Now: Women with Disabilities and Sexual Violence Education Guide
  • Sticks and Stones: Disabled People's stories of abuse, defiance, and resilience
  • The Sum of my Parts: A survivor's story of Dissociative Identity Disorder
  • Victims with Disabilities: Techniques for Interviewing Victims with Communication and/or cognitive disability
  • Who, What, Where, when: A symbol book for Communicating with Survivors of Sexual Abuse who use Alternative Communication

Family & Friends Resources

  • A Guide for Friends and Family of Sexual Violence Survivors (ENG & SPAN)
  • A Guide to peer counseling
  • Family and Friends Guide to Domestic Violence: How to listen, talk, and take action when someone you care about is being abused
  • To be an Anchor in the Storm: A guide for families and friends of abused women

Interactive learning Activities

  • Walking the Walk: A Sexual Violence Awareness Exercise, Houston Area Women’s Center
  • In Their Shoes: Teens and Dating Violence Exercise, Washington Coalition
  • In Her Shoes: Living with Domestic Violence Exercise, Washington Coalition

Recommended Videos

  • The Empathy Gap: Masculinity and the Courage to Change
  • Tough Guise 2: Violence, Manhood, and American Culture
  • The Bro Code: How Contemporary Culture Creates Sexist Men
  • Porn land: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality
  • Killing Us Softly 4: Advertisings Image of Women
  • Guy land: Where Boys Become Men
  • A Survivors Story (ENG & SPAN)
  • Miss Representation
  • The Hunting Ground
  • The Mask You Live In
  • Telling Amy’s Story
  • Healing Neen

Our Partners

  • Give NE
    Give NE
245 S. 84th Street
Suite 200
Lincoln, NE 68510

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