Legislative Priorities

2025 Legislative Session


LB 67 - This bill would require hospitals to provide survivors of sexual assault with accurate information and the option of emergency contraception. Hospitals must also train staff and develop policies for compliance, even in the case of moral or religious objections. Complaints about non-compliance can be filed with the Department of Health and Human Services, which will investigate and report findings. Hospitals found in violation may face disciplinary actions.


LB 78 - This bill proposes the Domestic Violence and Sex Trafficking Survivor Assistance Act, funded by a slight increase in the documentary stamp tax, to provide housing-related financial aid and support services for survivors through the Department of Health and Human Services.

  • 01/09/25: introduced by Sen. Eliot Bostar
  • 01/13/25: referred to Revenue Committee
  • 01/15/25: hearing scheduled for January 22, 2025
  • 03/10/25: placed on General File
  • 03/11/25: designated a priority bill by the State-Tribal Relations Committee (Priority bills are selected by senators, committees, and the Speaker that will receive priority scheduling through the legislative process.)


LB 80 - This bill proposed the adoption of the Protection Orders Act, which streamlines laws on domestic abuse, sexual assault, and harassment protection orders, enhancing accessibility, enforcement, and survivor safety.

  • 01/09/25: introduced by Sen. Bob Hallstrom
  • 01/13/25: referred to Judiciary Committee
  • 01/16/25: hearing scheduled for January 23, 2025

Contact the members of the Judiciary Committee and ask for the bill to be placed on General File.



LB 92 - This bill proposes the Residential Tenant Clean Slate Act, allowing tenants to seal eviction records under specific conditions to improve their future housing opportunities. 

  • 01/10/25: introduced by Sen. Terrell McKinney
  • 01/14/25: referred to Judiciary Committee
  • 01/22/25: hearing scheduled for January 30, 2025

Contact the members of the Judiciary Committee and ask for the bill to be placed on General File.



LB 102 - This bill adjusts the state's financial assistance for dependent children, setting new eligibility standards based on family size and indexing the assistance amount to the Consumer Price Index.

  • 01/10/25: introduced by Sen. Ashlei Spivey
  • 01/14/25: referred to Health & Human Services Committee
  • 01/24/25: hearing scheduled for February 6, 2025

Contact the members of the Health & Human Services Committee and ask for the bill to be placed on General File.


LB 103 - This bill amends Nebraska's Evidence Rules concerning sexual assault cases for survivors who choose to report their assault. It expands the parameters to prohibit admitting evidence or questioning of the survivor on their past sexual behavior or assault that happened prior to the current case. The bill clarifies that this is prohibited not only during trial, but also during any deposition or other pretrial hearing or proceeding.

  • 01/10/25: introduced by Sen. Wendy DeBoer
  • 01/14/25: referred to Judiciary Committee
  • 02/06/25: hearing scheduled for March 12, 2025

Contact members of the Judiciary Committee and ask for the bill to be placed on General File. 


LB 159 - This bill proposes changes to Nebraska's criminal sentencing procedure. It allows courts to consider a person's status as a survivor of abuse or trafficking when determining sentences. Factors like whether the individual has been physically, sexually, or psychologically abused by a family member or used for financial gain, or if they are a survivor of trafficking or exploitation, would be weighed in favor of withholding imprisonment. 

  • 01/13/25: introduced by Sen. Dunixi Guereca
  • 01/15/25: referred to Judiciary Committee
  • 02/06/25: hearing scheduled for March 12, 2025

Contact members of the Judiciary Committee and ask for the bill to be placed on General File.



LB 222 - This bill seeks to amend the Nebraska Fair Housing Act to prohibit housing discrimination based on a person's lawful source of income, including public assistance and benefits.

  • 01/14/25: introduced by Sen. Dunixi Guereca
  • 01/16/25: referred to Judiciary Committee
  • 01/22/25: hearing scheduled for January 30, 2025

Contact the members of the Judiciary Committee and ask for the bill to be placed on General File.


LB 267 - This bill addresses domestic violence in rental situations and allows survivors of domestic violence to remove a perpetrator from a rental agreement and seek exclusion from the premises, with proof such as a protective order. It also mandates that landlords change locks when requested survivor. The bill outlines procedures for both tenant and landlord responsibilities and includes provisions for court costs and attorney's fees, to ensure survivors are not burdened with unfair costs while securing their safety.

  • 01/15/25: introduced by Sen. Victor Rountree
  • 01/17/25: referred to Judiciary Committee
  • 02/07/25: hearing scheduled for February 20, 2025

Contact the members of the Judiciary Committee and ask for the bill to be placed on General File.



LB 328 - This bill proposes changes to the allocation of Nebraska's documentary stamp tax revenue, which would reduce funding for behavioral health and housing programs. Cuts to housing programs could reduce shelter capacity and affordable housing options, increasing survivors' risk of homelessness and further victimization. Reduced funding for the Behavioral Health Services Fund would make it harder for survivors to access mental health care, crisis intervention, and trauma-informed therapy. Additionally, advocacy organizations that rely on these funds may be forced to scale back services, leaving survivors with fewer resources for safety and recovery. Overall, these funding changes could make it significantly harder for survivors to escape violence, heal from trauma, and rebuild their lives.

  • 01/09/25: introduced by Sen. Rick Holdcroft
  • 01/13/25: referred to Revenue Committee
  • 02/11/25: hearing scheduled for February 21, 2025

Contact members of the Revenue Committee and ask them not to advance the bill. 



LB 348 - In 2023, a legislative bill (LB 379, later incorporated into LB 814) was passed allocating $3 million to the Nebraska Coalition's 20 network programs providing support services, such as 24-hour crisis hotlines, emergency shelter, transportation, legal aid, and medical advocacy, to survivors of sexual, domestic and similar types of violence. Before being passed, the funding source changed to Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funds. Unfortunately, conflicting federal regulations and confidentiality requirements have prevented programs from accessing these funds. LB 348 would change the funding source from TANF to the Health and Human Services Cash Fund, which would allow programs to access the funds and continue operating and serving survivors.

  • 01/16/25: introduced by Sen. Jason Prokop
  • 01/21/25: referred to Appropriations Committee
  • 02/05/25: hearing scheduled for March 10, 2025

Contact members of the Appropriations Committee and ask for the bill to be placed on General File.



LB 379 - This bill could disproportionately impact survivors of sexual, domestic, and similar types of violence by reducing the time limit for cash assistance from 60 months to 24 months, potentially cutting off vital financial support before they achieve stability. Many survivors face employment disruptions due to trauma, safety concerns, or legal issues, and a shorter assistance period may not allow enough time for recovery and economic independence. While the bill allows extensions under certain conditions, it does not explicitly address barriers unique to survivors, such as court proceedings or the need for safe housing. Additionally, tying assistance to children's school attendance could create further challenges for survivors who frequently relocate for safety, increasing their risk of financial insecurity or returning to abusive situations.

  • 01/16/25: introduced by Sen. Bob Andersen
  • 01/21/25: referred to Health & Human Services Committee
  • 02/07/25: hearing scheduled for February 27, 2025

Contact members of the Health & Human Services Committee and ask them not to advance the bill.



LB 499 - This bill amends provisions related to the Crime Victim's Reparations Committee in Nebraska. It expands the committee's membership to include five commission members and three public members appointed by the Governor. The public members will represent charitable organizations, businesses, and crime victims, with a focus on those impacted by sexual assault, human trafficking, or domestic abuse. The bill also outlines term lengths for members and procedures for vacancies, including an initial staggered appointment system. 

  • 01/21/25: introduced by Sen. Wendy DeBoer
  • 01/23/25: referred to Judiciary Committee
  • 02/06/25: hearing scheduled for March 6, 2025
  • 03/11/25: placed on General File with AM 438


Interested in Testifying?

The Nebraska Coalition offers one-on-one support to survivors of sexual, domestic, and similar types of violence who choose to share their stories and testify on legislative bills. We can provide resources, guidance, and emotional support to help survivors navigate the legislative process. For more information, please contact Amber Jurgens at AmberJ@NebraskaCoalition.org.

245 S. 84th Street
Suite 200
Lincoln, NE 68510

© Nebraska Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence 2025

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